What’s a conversion?

A conversion is a metric that indicates that a customer has expressed some interest in your service or product. This interest could come in the form of a click on a button, filling out a form, or even making a purchase.

A conversion could be anything that translates into value for your business—it just depends on what you want to measure.

Conversion Funnel

Why do I need to design my website around conversion?

The simple, blunt truth of the matter is that people have extremely short attention spans.

And why shouldn’t they? These days, the internet offers alternative after alternative for whatever product or service someone’s looking for. I could feel compelled to leave a business’ website for a million different reasons, all with the knowledge that there’s a better option out there somewhere to fall back on.

The key to conversion-centered design is paring down those million different reasons as much as possible and appearing to be (if not actually being) that better option. Why would someone leave if they’d found the best option?

So, why do you need conversion-centered design? Because I can say with 100% confidence—no matter what your business is; no matter what you sell—you’re losing sales without it.

There’s a reason all those fancy-schmancy start-up tech companies have great, simple, clean, pretty, easy-to-navigate, easy-to-understand websites, and the reason isn’t unique to their industry: conversion-centered design works.

Conversion-Centered Design

What exactly is conversion-centered design?

Conversion-centered design is a methodology, including strategies, practices, and elements all focused on getting a user to do… something. This something is an action that you’ve identified as being valuable to your business, which is usually either making a purchase, making a decision that has a better chance of leading to a purchase, or providing contact information.

There are dozens and dozens of individual ideas that make up the methodology of conversion-centered design, and any number of them could apply to your business’ needs and goals.

Generally, these ideas fall into several categories:

Directing attention

Setting up and delivering on expectations

Offering an experience that informs instead of confuses

Creating design elements that all work together toward a common goal

Being simple and clear

Demonstrating and fostering trust

Following through with leads and conversions

So, ready to convert?

West County Net specializes in conversion-based design, crafting unique websites that guide your visitors where they need to go. We can help you increase not only leads and conversions, but also traffic to your site.

We’ve been designing and building websites for both local small businesses and national chains for years. Get in touch with us to get a quote!

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